When you need power, you need a product you can rely on. Whether you’re creating a backup system for your home, taking your RV on an off-grid vacati...
The Pros and Cons of DIY Solar in 2022
“I can do it myself.” It’s a phrase repeated since childhood; a mantra for independent thinkers and DIYers. But is it the right mindset when it ...
Pros And Cons of Going Off the Grid
As electricity costs rise higher and higher, the idea of completely cutting ties with your electric company may sound more and more attractive. Going ...
A Light of Hope
It’s the season to be thankful—and we’re thankful for so many things. We’re thankful for the California sunshine that powers our homes and bus...
Manage Your Power Better than Ever
Going solar means more than slapping some panels on your roof. You need a system that can manage your power needs in any situation—and keep you movi...
The (Solar) Train Is Leaving the Station
Get Your NEM-2 Status before It’s Too Late Big changes are ahead in the solar market… and they’re not good for consumers. NEM—net energy...
Should You Buy or Lease Your Solar Panels?
One of the most important decisions to make when switching to solar energy is whether you should buy or lease your solar panels. There are clear benef...
Your Emergency Checklist
A Battery Backup Keeps You Safe, Comfortable, and Prepared It’s going to happen. The power will go out, throwing you into emergency mode. Instead ...
Break Up with PG&E Today
Summer temperatures are rising, and so are the chances that PG&E is going to shut off your power in the hot, dry conditions. Sound familiar? Even ...
The Truth about Free Solar
You’ve probably been told a hundred times that nothing in life is free. How can going solar be any different? Not only is it an exception to this ru...