Lots of solar companies won’t install solar panels on special roofs. Why? The sad answer is sheer laziness! Contrary to popular belief, solar pane...
The (Solar) Train Is Leaving the Station
Get Your NEM-2 Status before It’s Too Late Big changes are ahead in the solar market… and they’re not good for consumers. NEM—net energy...
Should You Buy or Lease Your Solar Panels?
One of the most important decisions to make when switching to solar energy is whether you should buy or lease your solar panels. There are clear benef...
Moving On: Transferring Ownership of Your Monitoring System
If you’re buying or selling a solar-powered property, you need to transfer ownership of the monitoring system. Don’t worry: transferring o...
Break Up with PG&E Today
Summer temperatures are rising, and so are the chances that PG&E is going to shut off your power in the hot, dry conditions. Sound familiar? Even ...
The Truth about Free Solar
You’ve probably been told a hundred times that nothing in life is free. How can going solar be any different? Not only is it an exception to this ru...
DIY Guide to Reconnecting Your Monitoring System
The days are getting longer and your solar panels are soaking up those rays. If you’re like us, you probably enjoy watching how much energy your...
The COVID Effect—How Much Did You Spend on Electricity?
It’s been a full year since the pandemic started, and you’ve probably spent more time at home than ever before. Some perks you may have enjoyed ar...